Affiliate marketing, tips and resources!

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How many books, articles, newsletters and informational pieces does it take to create a successful business?  To create a successful affiliate marketer? To create a successful ????

None, not really. You can read everything that comes your way, overload on information and get no where fast. Spending money on the latest, hottest book means nothing if you just read it and let it collect dust. How many dust collectors do you need?

My library is relatively small right now. So is the list of people I will pay for their information, or link to their blogs. Becoming a discerning, educated consumer takes some work, you do need to read a few books to get the feel for what it is you need to help create the path that fits.

Today I want to share one of those resources with you. Recently I decided to go through and do some spring cleaning of my book marks. One of those tasks that have kept getting put off because it was not important, but it really is since I decided to get more involved in my online life. The first step is reviewing some of the programs that I signed up with to be an affiliate.

One of the programs is the tall banner on the side of this page, just scroll down. I decided rather than signing up for some of the pages that give you an opportunity to become a member and save shopping from their merchants, that I could do my own and earn as well as save. You can too, plus earn from those who join you. So I am inviting you to join me in pursuing a better income to create a greater life. Set up a free membership at the Rakuten Network. Then add the links to your website and sign up affiliates, represent your favorite stores, products and more.

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