Cloud Apps For The Work At Home Mom

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With easy availability and accessibility of Internet services, mums can now work at the comfort of their homes. This is also enhanced by the fact that cloud computing enables you to work from anywhere efficiently. However, you need to have a cloud server (Ninefold Cloud Servers) to enhance your performance and get the best returns out of your investment. This is because a cloud optimized server enhances productivity. With a cloud application, you can easily access the best programs online and in a secure way. You only need to get an account and a password to work at home. You are not tethered to your computer at your place of work but you can comfortably use your laptop and get the job done. There are different cloud apps that work at home mums can utilize. They include:


This is a cloud app that enables you to back up and store files online using cloud storage. It is highly functional and helps you to save a great deal on time when accessing different files. This is because you can back up all files on your data to the cloud app. It also enables you to save on hard drive space. This app is incredible for mums who want to work online say, freelance writing. You can write and submit articles to different directories.

Mail Chimp

If you love marketing, this is an incredible cloud app to settle for. It comes with a wide range of features that enable you to design e-mail campaign messages. It comes with automation features and an organized subscription management. It also features catchy designs that make it easier to operate. You can always choose a design that serve your marketing and advertisement needs best and work comfortably at home.

Google Cloud Apps

Google Cloud Apps is additionally the best for work at home mums. It enables you to take advantage of word processing, storage in the cloud and spreadsheets. You will also access Gmail services, Google cloud applications and Sketch Up among others. The most impressive feature about this app is that you can synchronize it to suit your needs best. You can edit files and work comfortably.


This cloud app enables you to capture an event, record a meeting, take down notes and save it on the cloud. You do not have to attend meetings to get notes. This app is highly functional and you can always customize it to meet your needs best. It is one of the best options for work at home mums and saves on time.


This is also an excellent cloud app that enables you to take advantage of social media networks. You can manage all your social media accounts efficiently. It is great because you can engage in on line sales and marketing and trade profitably. You can manage all social accounts on one tab and access a wide range of features. There is no doubt that cloud apps enable you to work efficiently at the comfort of your home. More importantly, define your needs and settle for the most ideal cloud app.

Author Bio:

Biljana is a online marketing consultant and a work-from-home Mom of two. She enjoys writing and publishing interesting news and tips on how to make your life easier while working form home.

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