Let’s Chat

Office Wife Contact Information

Contact Choices

This page offers a few of the primary ways to contact Connie, your Office Wife.

My work week:
Monday to Friday 8 a.m to 5 p.m. 

Occasionally Saturday 8 to 12, by appointment only.


We can chat on FaceBook Messenger.

Email: paitheladee at officewife Dot biz (replace the word ‘at’ with the symbol @ and the word ‘dot’ with the period.) Be sure to put in the subject line a reference to my services.

Telephone: 619-936-3529  Text is best, or leave a voice mail.  Be sure to introduce yourself and let me know the purpose you are reaching out.  Calls are returned within a 24 hour period unless it is the weekend or a holiday, then the next business day. 

Thank you for your understanding.

You may reach out to me on one of the social media channels. 

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