Need probate or estate planning help? Divorce actions? Help is a click away.

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Today I have another legal resource for those of you who live in Farmington Hills and Birmingham, Michigan. In the never ending search for viable services to provide you I found an attorney that will help you with estate and probate planning.

The Law Offices of Judith H. Blumeno offers clients a sensitive hand in dealing with the issues surrounding divorce, separation, and other family issues. Ms. Blumeno and her staff help you to understand your legal rights in the areas of family law and find a creative way in coping with the grief and anger you may be experiencing.

To discuss your options and begin planning your legal path, visit the website of The Law Offices of Judith H. Blumeno. With three offices to serve you in the Farmington Hills, Birmingham, and Southfield, Michigan, you do not have far to travel.

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