Five Mistakes to Avoid When Starting an Online Business

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Starting an online business is appealing in that you do not have to worry about things like a brick and mortar store and you do not have to keep consistent hours, but there are some things that you simply must avoid. Check out these five mistakes that rookies make when they are starting their online business, and make sure that you skip them as well.

Avoiding Customer Research

Just because you have a great product or service does not mean that it is well-tailored to suit your client base. If you want to make sure that your product suits your customers, use tools like customer experience management and customer feedback software systems. If you know what your customers want, you can give it to them.

Making Yourself Unavailable

Respond as soon as you get a message that needs attention. Do not put it off. While people should be aware that you are limited in your ability to respond, you should make it a practice of never taking more than twelve hours to respond to an email if at all possible. If you miss a call, make sure that you try calling them back at least twice.

Assuming That They Will Find You

Search engine optimization and online ads are just two ways to get your name out there, and you should use them. Too many people assume that if they have a great service or a great product that people will find them. The truth of the matter is that you need to put yourself out there! Make sure that everyone knows what you do and why you do it.

Ignoring Customer Reviews

If someone leaves a bad review, make sure that you address it if you can. Find a way to make their experience better, and offer to speak with them about it. This is something that both helps you work with damage control and allows you to maintain a good reputation online. Do not ignore what people are saying about you!

Being Unprofessional

Assume that every email that you write could end up on a site like Reddit or Tumblr. The Internet has become quite adept at punishing people for unprofessional behavior, and if you are someone who is invested in maintaining your online reputation, always be polite and professional, no matter how abusive your customer is getting.

Consider how you can make sure that your online business takes off; it is both easier and harder than you think!

About the Author:

Madyson Grant is a small business owner and part time writer. She enjoys spending time outdoors and traveling when she is not trying to share her knowledge of starting a business online.

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