Hacked: Recovering

It has been a few months since I was hacked, not once but three times. I changed hosting companies and began repairing my site.
Slow progress. Taking it one element at a time.
The journey to learning how to protect self is an interesting one. The events you thought only happened in movies, they are real life. Movies get their ideas from life.
If you can imagine it, you can create it. The human mind is phenomenal at problem solving. If there is a desire, a way to achieve, it will be realized.

The first response was one of devastation when I discovered my site had been hacked. The second was panic because I did not want to be a problem with potential clients or visitors. The third was acceptance, with the action of getting into the solution. All in a five minute span.
I did my best to work with the techs of my old hosting company, after all I had been with them 20 or so years. However, I got no where. I worked with the admin of the security plug in, he was a huge help. We discovered what the issue was. I was able to download and save some of the folders I needed. Image folder was not one of them, using the back up was not an answer either.
So here I am starting over, fresh. Pics missing to the articles and replacing them as I remember what they were.
Links to resources are cleaned up and accessible. Fresh new resources are added and more to come.
Gratitude was the last part of the acceptance cycle. I wanted to redo parts of my site, but kept putting it off because of time constraints and working for clients. Earning a living is essential to paying the bills and feeding myself.
I began grabbing snippets of time to slowly rebuild and repair. Improvements are coming. I have goals for my site, my business, and my life. One Step Enough for Me! (a hymn I like)
Stay tuned. I will provide some steps to clean up.
Mean time check out Have I been Pwned I discovered my emails were on the dark web, so were my old passwords. Which I believe is how they managed to infiltrate and plant a few malicious codes, and install a back door.
Gratitude includes increasing my skills in WordPress security. I thanked the hackers on social media. It is not a goal to be hacked, but it has been a learning experience and on the job training opportunity.

If you are ready to delegate, upgrade, learn, and are ready to hire a virtual assistant, send me a quick note.