How to manage your domain.

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If you are not hosting your domain name with the company you registered it with. You will need to sign into the registrar account and add the redirect links. The links your domain host provides will direct the domain name to where you host the account. Sound like this is going in circles? Well, yes, as a matter of fact it is.

If you have registered your domain name, found a place to host your site, then this is the next logical step. It is not complicated and you cannot harm or delete anything. Think of it as filling in an address change for the post office when you move. You will get the new address from your domain hosting company. Suppose you registered with GVO to host an unlimited number of domains and take advantage of their tech service, the redirect link is ns1.the gvo and ns2. same .com

If you get stuck and need to chat, send me a request. Be happy to help my down line members get set up.

Now, steps:

  • Sign into your domain name registrar account, click the domain name. Review the options available and ensure your information is correct.
  • Contact person, admin person, etc. should be your information. Unless you assign someone rights to administer your site. You won’t have to when we are done.
  • Select the Redirect domain name, a dialog box should appear. The DNS information is provided by the hosting company. If you do not have that available, sign into your hosting account and obtain it. Remember if you are with GVO, let me know. I am happy to help. (Sorry, the rest of you, I know not how your host works. )
  • Enter the redirect information and click save. The redirect link looks like this;
  • Now you wait. It takes up to 48 hours to propagate (a technical term that I still do not get) your site to the hosting company. In the mean time you have homework.
  • Get to work on your website information, decide if you are going to work as a blog or sales site. Make a decision on the emails you want to use. The common ones are info@, sales@, admin@, you know the types.

The registration and set up process for domain names is straight forward. It may feel intimidating, but you can do this. There is no reason you cannot. The registration is simplified by every domain registrar out there. The only glitch would be if you entered numbers wrong for your credit or debit card. Not that I would know about that.

If you get stuck, let me know. If you are unsure, contact me and we can discuss it. I do not charge for consultations. So, no added fee.

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