Make Sure Your Labor Law Posters Are Inclusive Of Other Languages

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Any business with more than one employee is required by law to display the most recent state and federal labor law posters. Plus, these posters have to be displayed in obvious locations where everyone (including potential applicants) can view them. Generally, these posters are displayed in English, but as the number of non-English speakers being employed grows exponentially, the need for multi-lingual labor law posters becomes a necessity.

There are a number of benefits—for employers, as well as employees—associated with having updated labor law posters displayed throughout the workplace. For employers, labor law posters are essentially a legal shield protecting them from the potential fines and penalties that can be encountered for not having them posted. Moreover, in the event of a lawsuit involving current labor laws, these posters can literally become a legal defense.

For employees, current labor law posters help keep the workforce updated on current mandates regarding the workplace. Furthermore, employees know exactly what to expect from their employers in terms of responsibilities and obligations. Of course, employees are going to find much more comfort in the workplace knowing they have up-to-date labor law posters governing it; not to mention the fact that future applicants will get a better idea of the job they are applying for.

All this means nothing, however, if employees cannot read the posters. In other words, if you have an office comprised mainly of Spanish-speaking employees, but your labor law posters are strictly English, then those employees will not be able to read or comprehend the posters which could result in a miscommunication down the road. There are many companies out there that offer labor law posters in other languages to cater to multi-cultural work environments. For instance, Intuit offers labor law posters completely written in the Spanish language.

As mentioned previously, failure to post updated labor law posters could cost a business a hefty fine (in some cases amounting to several thousand dollars). This is further amplified in Arizona, California, Florida and Texas, where workplaces composed mainly of Spanish-speaking employees are required by law to post labor law posters in Spanish. Regardless of the fines though, it is only fair to employees that they be able to know just what exactly contemporary labor laws guarantee them, no matter what nationality they hail from. The workplace is changing, offering legitimate employment opportunities to everybody, and if we don’t work to accommodate everyone, then the business world suffers.

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