San Diego Back Country

A view of the Barrett Junction Valley

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Red Flag Warning in Effect

I live in the Dulzura/Barrett Junction part of San Diego County. We have faced many fire issues, a few fire storms over the years.

SDG&E is taking a proactive approach and shut the power down through out the back country. This is the second year SDG&E has decided to enact the power shut off. They are diligently working on fixing lines, changing poles. This means many of us who do not have generators are without any power.

For the few years I have lived out here, I am still not prepared for this type of shut down. This year I am smarter and looking into getting a generator, solar power, or some form of alternate power. I do not want to rely on SDG&E.

I am sitting at a Denny’s restaurant currently enjoying a breakfast for lunch. Utilizing the WiFi here for the moment. Then I will head back to clean up from the high winds, work on some other homework for me, and seek to enjoy the rest of my day off.

One of the essentials to being a virtual entrepreneur, worker, or assistant, is Internet. Will have to get busy and see about the investment into alternate power. 🙂

Mean time, take a look at my services page. Then let’s chat to discuss your project. You can contact me here. I return messages within 24 hours. Even with no power today. 🙂

I look forward to working with you.

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