Recreate you. Survive unemployment

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The job market sucks. If you read the statistics regarding the unemployed in this country and around the world, you would be disheartened. Statistics only cover what is actually reported. They are a view to what may be, not what is. The unemployment rates are increasing with the closing of more department stores and factories. We purchase less, there fore the stores need to reduce their expenses. The end result is many find themselves unemployed.

Recently the long term employment assistance many were receiving was cut. With no hope of that changing many are in fear of being homeless and hungry. We do not need to be in despair or at the mercy of the economy. It is not easy but changing from no income to some income is a task anyone can undertake.

One of my favorite resources is What Color is your Parachute? The Job Hunter’s Bible is on line. The author of What Color is your Parachute?, Richard Bolles, has published this book every year for the past decade at least. I have not gone through history to look at the number of publications.

Bolles provides tools to change careers, work from home, develop a small business, find employment in the same or a different job title, plus much more. You can create an outstanding resume from the many ideas and tools he offers. It is a great source of inspiration when you feel stuck.

Getting over the hump of no income or job is not always easy. A few ideas are as follows:

  • Develop a support group. This can be others who are unemployed, family, friends, or join a group.
  • Pull out your resume. Review. Make notes about what has changed since the last time you used it.
  • Google or Bing search your field. The job title you had, are there others similar?
  • Write a job description for this last job you had. Note improvements, accomplishments, skills developed.
  • Collect job descriptions within similar industries. Even the same job description in other industries.
  • Do you like the work you do? One suggestion Bolles notes is to look at what you liked and disliked about your current job.
  • Have you considered working at home? Perhaps starting your own business from home.
  • Take a look at the skills and job description you have written. What home business can you create? Is there a market for your particular skills?

Each day do something that will enhance your outlook, create opportunities. Do not get into a habit of wishing and waiting. You have the skills to succeed. Find a new way to use them to your benefit.

I would love to hear about your progress, perhaps suggestions to add to this article. Share what has worked with you. You can also connect with me at Facebook, Twitter, and Google +.Share your tips and tricks to survive being unemployed.

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